Author Archives: Rebecca Hopkins

Rebecca HopkinsRebecca serves with her husband, Brad—pilot/mechanic and base manager—at the Palangkaraya floatplane base in Kalimantan, Indonesia. She enjoys getting below the surface to the heart of things, whether it’s during a history lesson with her kids, over tea with an Indonesian neighbor, or through her writing. Rebecca blogs at

Losing Power

Everything went dead.

Great, I thought. This power outage would probably last at least eight hours. The list of tasks that needed electricity ran through my mind. No laundry would get done. No email could be sent. No bread would get made—unless of course I wanted to do it by hand. Which I didn’t—not while holding […]

Messy Lessons

Life has been a bit busy for me lately. It happens every time I am pregnant. The morning sickness, all day long. In the tropical heat. With smells of trash and my neighbor’s Asian cooking sending me to the bathroom again and again.

I spend the weeks living according to rules that kinda work. Just get […]

Broken Things

Sun and blue were stealing part of the morning in an otherwise rainy streak of days. The perfect day to wear my new sunglasses, I thought, as I pulled them from the drawer.

I’d bought them during last month’s visit to the States. Purchased in a store with wide aisles and cool air; placed in a […]

Secondhand Treasures

I button up the brown and pink flowered shirt on my daughter. I work fast before she squirms away to do busy toddler things. Wow. She looks just like Katie—my friend’s daughter, who wore this shirt a couple years ago, back when she was my daughter’s age.

My son, now 3, spent his first couple of […]