Author Archives: Jennifer Wolf

Jennifer WolfJennifer Perry Wolf— “Jenn” —has been with Mission Aviation Fellowship since 2010, serving as a writer and resource coordinator in the Ministry Advancement department. She unearths stories from the field, writes for the ministry’s various publications—FlightWatch, Boarding Pass, and the web—and oversees the MAF blog contributors. Jenn has been known to tweet as @whatignitesus and posts on Instagram as Feel free to follow her. And check out her new personal podcast at and her blog at

Help for Haiti’s Youngest

Healing and hope for undernourished children in rural Haiti


One out of every 14 Haitian children won’t live to see their fifth birthday due to malnutrition and related complications, like anemia.

But Danita’s Children—a Christian organization serving in Haiti—is working to change that. Danita’s Children launched a new program that brings mobile malnutrition clinics to rural areas […]

A Mother’s Blessing

An MAF pilot flies his mom and their ministries converge to bring life-saving medical training to Congolese doctors and nurses.


Photo by Stephen Hale.

“Mom, this is surreal. How does this happen?” said MAF pilot Stephen Hale to his mother, who was in the co-pilot seat next to him in the Democratic Republic of the […]

Ministry Spotlight: Peter & Miriam De Winkle

Six years ago, Peter and Miriam De Winkle, and their kids, were living on a dairy farm not far from MAF’s headquarters. Peter operated and maintained equipment and managed operations on his parents’ 2,000-cow farm. Things took a big turn for the de Winkles—and the biggest changes still lie ahead.

Today, the De Winkles are MAF […]

The Unexpected Passenger

How God used MAF helicopters to save lives in Indonesia—including an unexpected one.


In the 1970s through the 90s, MAF’s Indonesia program used helicopters to support missionaries who were bringing the gospel to unreached villages—rugged, primitive areas where airstrips had not yet been built. Mike Meeuwse was one of those pilots who served in Papua in […]

Giving Through Generations

How God took one family’s tragedy and used it for good


Allan Bagge was flying his airplane in northern Idaho in 1987 when he tragically crashed—he did not survive.

Allan and Lois Bagge, 1986. Photo courtesy of the Bagge family.

Lois, Allan’s wife, was determined to honor her husband and bring closure to his death.

“My mom […]