Author Archives: Jennifer Wolf

Jennifer WolfJennifer Perry Wolf— “Jenn” —has been with Mission Aviation Fellowship since 2010, serving as a writer and resource coordinator in the Ministry Advancement department. She unearths stories from the field, writes for the ministry’s various publications—FlightWatch, Boarding Pass, and the web—and oversees the MAF blog contributors. Jenn has been known to tweet as @whatignitesus and posts on Instagram as Feel free to follow her. And check out her new personal podcast at and her blog at

A New Era

MAF’s newest KODIAK, an amphibious floatplane, ushers in a new season of ministry in Kalimantan


In June, Brad Hopkins was the last MAF pilot to fly Charlie Brown and Charlie Delta, two aged Cessna 185 floatplanes, on their final flights in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. This marked the end of a historic era for MAF. Each aircraft […]

Ministry Spotlight – Dennis and Rose Bergstrazer      


Dennis and Rose Bergstrazer have been with MAF for 32 years—the last 14 of which have been at the MAF base in Timika, Papua, Indonesia. Currently, they are the only MAF family there—and the only missionaries in town!

“When we first opened the base [in 2003], we were also the only Westerners, so we […]

Overcoming Obstacles to Healing

It seemed like the only “help” available for 12-year-old Masha’s painful infection on her shin was either an herbal remedy or a trip to the local witch doctor, neither of which would be considered a legitimate option outside of the developing world.

Masha with family members and American Baptist missionary Rita Chapman (left). Photo […]