Author Archives: Chris Burgess

Chris BurgessChris Burgess is the editorial and content manager in the Ministry Advancement department at MAF. Chris and his family relocated to Idaho from Colorado Springs where he was the editorial director for Lux Creative, a marketing agency that served clients such as Compassion International, LifeWay Christian Resources, and the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Properly Packing a Propeller 

We’ve all been there. Traveling to a new city or country, you find the perfect souvenir to commemorate the trip—a big figurine, a large piece of art, or an ornamental rug. Disappointment sets in the night before your flight home upon discovering that your new treasure won’t quite fit in your luggage.

Baggage size isn’t just […]

We’re Gonna Let it Shine

How you are bringing light to Papua through MAF and our partners

Lights glimmered across the village of Mamit—cutting tiny holes in the darkness blanketing the lush landscape.

This scene would not be noteworthy in most of the world, where city lights often shine so brightly they blot out the stars. But in Mamit, tucked away in […]

Three Ways Forward

How you can join a lasting legacy

There are several challenges that stand in the way of MAF being able to fulfill the mission of sharing Christ’s love with future generations of isolated people, but each challenge presents an opportunity for God to show His faithfulness and for supporters like you to become involved.

Fleet Optimization

For more […]

A Message for all Generations


How you can reach future generations with Christ’s love through MAF


Pull back the curtains of time; before Nate Saint; before the missionary movements of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries; before William Carey, Hudson Taylor, and Adoniram Judson; even before the Apostle Paul’s missionary journeys; and you will find an empty tomb in a remote corner […]

A Long Way from Jerusalem

How MAF, the Lesotho Flying Pastors, and you are sharing the Gospel in the mountains of Lesotho

Matthew Monson, a pilot with Mission Aviation Fellowship, and his passengers stepped out of the Cessna 206 after landing near the village of Kuebunyane, Lesotho. They followed a windy dirt path across small streams and past a few huts […]