May 3 – May 9, 2021

The Mighty One, God, the LORD, has spoken and summoned the earth, from the rising of the sun to its setting. Out of Zion,
the perfection of beauty, God has shone.
-Psalm 50:1-2 (NASB)

Monday, May 3
Thank You, Yahweh, for Your glory that shines with radiant beauty out of Zion. It’s more glorious than Spring flowers; more glorious than a brilliant sun rise. We praise You!

Tuesday, May 4
Recently, a man from Palma, Mozambique, was evacuated by Ambassador Air (our team in Mozambique). He runs a preschool in Palma. He said the attack began right outside of the school and weapons fire shook the building. He fled into the bush and hid out for 15 days. During his attempt to return home he learned that insurgents are now using his house and school. He was very grateful for the evacuation flight to Pemba after his ordeal. Please continue to pray for the Mozambican people. (Unsplash stock photo of three generations of Mozambicans)

Wednesday, May 5
Flights, phone calls, maintenance, and emails will all be put on hold as MAF teams around the world take this day to seek God’s face and consider the importance of silence and solitude. Pray for an uninterrupted and peaceful day with Yeshua.

Thursday, May 6
Lift up Matthew and Kylie Lynch, a pilot family preparing for service with MAF in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Pray for them as they raise their support, attend fall orientation at MAF headquarters, and make final preparations before leaving for a year of language school.

Friday, May 7
Praise God for Khahliso, a teenage girl who recently accepted Christ through the Lesotho Flying Pastors who are supported by MAF Lesotho. Pray for her spiritual growth in Christ.

Saturday, May 8
Lift up Kevin and Beth Lynne, a missionary pilot family with MAF in Papua, Indonesia. Pray for the Lynnes who serve national church workers, the medical needs of Papuans, and logistical support for discipleship work. They are currently in the US on furlough. Pray that they will be able to return to Indonesia this month.

Sunday, May 9
Thank God as we remember the blessings He pours on us through mothers. Pray for new mothers (like my daughter), that they will be refreshed in Him and raise their children with godly wisdom.

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