What is a “People Group”?

Women and children in church at Loglogo in northern Kenya. Photo by Mark and Kelly Hewes.

Before ascending into heaven, Jesus gave His followers one last command—we know it as the Great Commission—and as a missionary organization, it is MAF’s guiding verse. “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations …”

But what does “all […]

Outdoor Education in Papua

Grace enjoys hanging out with the people of Pogapa. Photo by Grace Holsten.

Crowded around me, the women of the village of Pogapa sang and hollered with all their might, their colorful woven net bags swinging from their heads. We ran up and down the airstrip, in search of greens and leaves for the […]

Joining Forces to Bring Hope to Haiti

Update: August 3, 2020—Andrew, his wife, Angie, and their girls have just been accepted as a full-time MAF pilot/mechanic family in Haiti! We’re super excited to have them on board with us. They’re looking for people to join their team. To partner with them, visit maf.org/Sutton.


Andrew after landing at Smith Prairie (2U0), east […]