Category Archives: Advent

MAF Advent 2015: Day 21

December 19th

Many of us take for granted the fact that we will have enough to eat this Christmas. Yet many around us are struggling with hunger and food insecurity. Be a blessing to those less fortunate by collecting canned food and other non-perishables and donating it to a local food pantry or charity. Working with […]

MAF Advent 2015: Day 20

December 18th

During some of the darkest, coldest nights of the year, Christmas lights are a beautiful reminder of how Jesus Christ has brought light and hope into this dark world. Bundle up and take a drive with you family and look at the pretty (or tacky) lights where you live.

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MAF Advent 2015: Day 19

December 17th

Imagine that you were able to travel around the world to a remote village in Indonesia or Africa this Christmas and bring presents to the children living there. What would you bring? Would it be something practical, like food, medicine, or a Bible—or perhaps it would be your favorite game, book, or toy. Take […]

MAF Advent 2015: Day 18

December 16th

Because MAF works in developing countries, we have the opportunity to train indigenous people in a variety of contexts. Pastors discover how to use technology and learn culturally relevant methods to share the Gospel—including oral communication strategies for reaching non-literate groups. We also conduct certified IT training, provide digital security courses, and teach plane […]

MAF Advent 2015: Day 17

December 15th

MAF delivers vaccines to remote areas, protecting children against polio, diphtheria, measles, and other illnesses. Your gift toward vaccine deliveries allows this precious cargo to reach remote villages in hours instead of days, ensuring that the “cold chain” is not broken and vaccinations remain effective.

Provide Vaccines »

MAF Advent 2015: Day 16

December 14th

MAF has served in Africa since 1961. Among many other things, MAF aided with evacuations of missionaries from war-torn Zaire in the 70’s and 90’s, the Ethiopian famine of the 80’s, and most recently the Ebola crisis. MAF not only brings health care, community development, and Western missionaries, but also helps support the growth […]