Author Archives: Linda Ringenberg

Linda RingenbergLinda and her husband Dave have served with MAF since 1997. They have three children, Hannah Joy (who preceded them to heaven in 2002), C.J., and Ryan. Dave and Linda have worked in Kalimantan, Indonesia, at MAF headquarters in Nampa, and are currently serving the people of Papua, Indonesia. Linda enjoys caring for her family, being involved in ladies’ Bible study, reading, and writing (when she gets the chance!). Learn more about the Ringenberg family and their life in Indonesia serving with Mission Aviation Fellowship.

God’s Faithfulness

I smiled to myself as our MAF airplane passed over the now familiar and yet still ruggedly beautiful mountains of the renowned Baliem Valley. I praised God for its wild beauty and the privilege of living and working in this historic area of missions. And then, I praised God for his faithfulness, because a year […]

Wamena: Aviation Town

A white and blue 737 screams onto the runway. After it has passed, a dark-skinned Papuan woman scurries across the asphalt, her colorful net bag swaying behind her. Probably not a scene you would see in America, right? Welcome to Wamena! A remote aviation town situated in a breathtaking valley at 5150 feet above sea […]

Christmas in Indonesia

Is it hard to envision Christmas in the tropics? It was for me when we first moved to Indonesia in 1998. I didn’t even bring a Christmas tree in our shipment. Maybe I thought we’d just use a banana tree! I learned, though, that Indonesian Christians LOVE to celebrate Christmas as much as we do […]

Rainbow Promise

I’ve always loved rainbows, but ever since a morning in 2001, they have held special significance to me. I was sitting on our front porch in Indonesia, struggling with post-partum depression. Feelings of hopelessness, despair and anxiety racked my body. As I poured my heart out to the Lord, my eyes glanced at the sky […]

Hope in the Darkness

Sometimes as a missionary here in Papua, it’s easy to lose hope. Just outside of our gate lies a world filled with shrouded faces and absent eyes, poverty and ignorance. And in the deeper villages, a world filled with immorality, an ensuing AIDS epidemic and war. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming, like we’re fighting a […]