Author Archives: Debbie Klynstra

Debbie KlynstraDebbie and her husband, Chris, became members of MAF in January 2013. Chris served with MAF as a pilot/mechanic in Pontianak, Indonesia from 1997-2001. Chris and Debbie, who were serving with New Tribes Mission, met overseas during this time and married in 2002. The last 10 years were spent in Sandpoint, Idaho, with Chris working at Quest Aircraft Company. They’ve been blessed with two children, Sarah and Benjamin. The family are currently serving in Papua, Indonesia where Chris is a maintenance specialist.

God’s Richness in Everyday Life

“They are like a breath; their days are like a fleeting shadow.”   Psalm 144:4

I never dreamed when I married and had a family that we would be living in the middle of nowhere. You never know where obedience will take you. We live in Wamena, the largest city in the world that is […]