November 7 – 13, 2021

Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.
Psalms 86:11 (NIV)

Sunday, November 7
Lion of Judah, Lord God, teach us to walk in Your truth with undivided hearts. Give us courage to rely on Your faithfulness. Purify our hearts so that we bring honor to Your majesty.

Monday, November 8
Please continue to pray for the protection of MAF families living and serving in Haiti. It is a constantly changing dynamic in the capital city of Port au Prince. This is where the MAF team lives. Pray that law and order will be restored on the streets and in the supply chains that are blocked by gangs.

Tuesday, November 9
Praise God for the successful release of the Ends of the Earth movie in US theaters. The feedback has been tremendous and quite positive. Pray that it continues to reach even more people and inspires many in the coming months as well.

Wednesday, November 10
Lift up Grant and Emily Strugnell, a pilot family who serves the Basotho people living in the mountains of Lesotho. The Strugnells have served with MAF since 2018. Emily provides financial oversight and guidance for staff who run an orphanage.

Thursday, November 11
Pray for the good formation of MAF’s new Waypoints department. Pray for God’s wisdom as the team seeks mentors that are willing to journey with new career staff.

Friday, November 12
Lift up Andrew and Angie Sutton, a pilot/mechanic family serving with MAF in Haiti. Pray for Haitians who have been hard hit by the earthquake. Pray that God would provide for their basic needs: food, water, and shelter. Pray also that Haitians will come to know Christ as their refuge and strength. Pray also for homeschooling for the Sutton family.

Saturday, November 13
Papua New Guinea (PNG) is experiencing a spike in COVID-19 infections with many deaths in the main cities. Medical teams are stretched thin. Pray for the MAF PNG team members that they will be able to minister to their neighbors in Christ’s name.

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