GGS: Greener Grass Syndrome

He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul.” — Psalm 23:2-3

MAF missioinary Debbie KlynstraThere are highs and lows when it comes to seeing pictures on social media. There’s joy in seeing what friends and family are up to back home, and it’s hard to see what friends and family are up to back home. I wish I had a filter on my computer when it came time for folks to post a picture of what food they’re eating or the latest family celebration. But since I don’t have a filter, I can easily end up dwelling on “if onlys.”

If only I could walk the streets without being stared at, then I would be happy. If only I could jump in a car and easily drive to a store to find everything I need in one place, then my heart would be content. If only I could clearly communicate my heart to those whose country I am living in, then I would truly be satisfied.

I look in the mirror and see a tinge of green growing. Ugh…I’ve got it again. GGS. I convince myself that if only I were somewhere else, eating something else, with someone else, then I would truly be happy. Truth is my location is not my problem; it’s my heart. I think back and remember that there were plenty of days I was not content when I lived in my own hometown with McDonalds just down the street.

So I turn my eyes to the grass that is truly green—the pastures He leads me to for refreshment, truth and contentment. It is where He refreshes my soul, no matter where I live!


  • sarah reardon says:

    Love it. Im just about to head off to visit some MAF field workers…. this little word might help one. Thanks.

  • Beth says:

    Beautifully written and such a good reminder to us all.

  • Beverly Cannata says:

    Debbie, I think your words are true for a lot of us. Thank you for the reminder of where real contentment comes from. Praying for you!

  • Joan cattolica says:

    Love what you said having empty nesting is hard when you love having your baby birds in your nest

  • Your raw honesty pulls at my heart this morning and compels me to pray—for you, and for all who serve in sometimes-hard places. Thank you, and may God pour some surprise joy into your life this week!

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